Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Fed Up

well its 5:40am, im awake, alone, and depressed.im done wondering and done trying. every guy whos approached me is a pig and every date, outing, or meeting goes the same. if i had a knife id chop off my tits n throw them away. listen im not a whore i dont f*** everything that moves I dont wanna suck your cock because you took me out. doesnt work that way sweet cheeks...so stop trying its pissing me off. i dont want anything anymore all you skinny b****es can have the cute sweet guys that you dont deserve because your attitudes and egos are bigger then the cost of all of Jone Rivers plastic surgeries. i dont want to go on another date that involves me wasting my time because you think im gonna screw you in the theater. no matter what i do im still not only disrespected but disgusted by the cheap, perverse minds of the past 2 and present generations. Then everyone asks why i smoke cigarettes and why i get so bitchy... pfft to deal with this bullshit. so everyone can suk me up n f*** off cuz im done with being civil and humane. Im not sitting here saying i want to fall in love right away and  get married n have babies i just want a f***in guy whos cute n sweet who want to hang out play pool, chill play video games, football, paintball maybe some bball ya kno just be my friend and my lover. but no.. you guys wanna slut. sry ur barkin up the wrong tree. go to 79th st theres plenty after 11pm